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MIDI Clock


MIDI Clock:

1215 8771
midi clock


The MIDI Clock Agent is used to convert the EigenD Metronome clock signals into a MIDI clock output to enable synchronisation with external MIDI devices.


Running input

  • Name:

1488 116
running input

  • Input
  • Type: Generic

The running input is used to indicate to the MIDI Clock Agent that the Metronome is running - as a consequence you have to connect the 'running output' of the Metronome to this input for MIDI clock to work correctly.

Song Beat input

  • Name:

776 127 116
song beat input

  • Input
  • Type: Generic

The song beat input is used to indicate to the MIDI Clock Agent the current position of the song when the Metronome is running - as a consequence you have to connect the 'song beat output' of the Metronome to this input for recording to work correctly.

Tempo input

  • Name:

168 116
tempo input

  • Input, Set
  • Type: Number
  • Range: 0 to 100000, default = 120

The tempo input is normally used as an input from the Metronome agent to determine the EigenD clock signal for MIDI Clock synchronisation - it can also be set by the user.


  • Name:


  • Input, Set
  • Type: Number
  • Range: -500 to 500, default = 0

The delay parameter is a value set by the user to determin the adjustment to the clock signal (in milliseconds) to enable correct sychronisation with external MIDI devices.

MIDI output

  • Name:

1215 125
midi output

  • Output
  • Type: Generic

The MIDI output is normally used to send MIDI (clock) data to the MIDI Output Agent.


Before using any of the Belcanto commands below, make sure you have the desired MIDI Clock Agent in your conversation using

1215 8771 ? 1131
midi clock X listen

where X is the number of your desired MIDI Clock Agent.

Setting the MIDI Clock delay parameter

To set the MIDI Clock Delay parameter, use

1421 23 ? 67
delay to X set

where X is the amount of adjustment to the clock signal(in milliseconds) required to synchronise to external MIDI devices.

See also