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General Discussion: Midi ports on base station pro

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written by: TheTechnobear

any update on this? has jim had time to look at this any more?

(Ive got a bit of time to try this at present, but in next few months things might get a bit busy for me)


written by: TheTechnobear

Sun, 4 Aug 2013 10:59:49 +0100 BST

Hi John,
What is the status on the midi ports on the base station pro?

- Is the hardware side complete?
- Is the firmware in the base station complete?
- Is it just the EigenD code missing?

I noticed there is code in EigenD (commented out), is this something I could work in?
Im getting quite into EigenDs code base these days, so feel comfortable, that if the effort lies in this area I could probably complete this.

However, if its firmware then of course I will not be able to do anything, as I dont have source code.
If this is the case - How much do you think it would take (money) to get the firmware completed? Perhaps If we as a community could raise this we could pay (or contribute) to this? would Eigenlabs be willing to do this?
Once the firmware was complete, again id be willing to do or to contribute to the EigenD side.


Base station pro owners
- Would you be willing to contribute towards this feature?
it may be a 'significant' contribution, it may have be a 'payable' feature....
I do NOT want a debate on this, this is not 'it should be there already feature'... it WILL NOT happen, unless we can fund it! (also its too early to discuss the form this should take)
The funding is only for eigenlabs (and any sub contractors required) for firmware side, Im willing to undertake eigenD side.

Mark Harris

written by: mikemilton

Sun, 4 Aug 2013 20:37:20 +0100 BST

Mark. This has crossed my mind several times but, in the end, does it really add anything to have them work. I ask because it seems almost impossible to me that any of us don't have MIDI DIN jacks on something we own. Finally, MIDI DIN really is slow.

Now, I'd really like the extension feature to work so I can put my BSPro at the far end of my long cable and use the pedals. This implies buying another base station (the standard one) to put near the system. My understanding is that this implies a firmware update (assuming there is enough room for that). That said, I might be an audience of one for that function and even I can get along without it.

written by: john

Mon, 5 Aug 2013 17:48:01 +0100 BST

Hi Mark

I've just had a chat with Jim about the MIDI ports and apparently there is a version of the firmware that has the necessary serial logic in. This is not the currently installed version, but is thought to work. This would need to be compiled from the VHDL and tried, then the EigenD end finished to allow a virtual MIDI port to be exposed on the host computer.

If you are serious about writing the host end, we'll have a go at compiling that version of the VHDL. It's some work (we had a toolchain issue the last time it was attempted and gave up due to lack of time), and please bear in mind that it's not guaranteed to work as it's never got as far as proper testing, but you might have some fun giving it a go. And I'm sure that all the Alpha owners out there would appreciate it.

The feature was originally intended to support the use of hardware MIDI footpedals and pedalboards btw, a function for which I think it would still be handy.

@Mike - I'll check the status of the extension feature, I have no idea what state that's in.


written by: TheTechnobear

Mon, 5 Aug 2013 21:50:24 +0100 BST

Hi John,
Thanks for the quick response, and sounds like good news.

Yes, Im serious about doing the EigenD side, so if you could get me a compiled version of the appropriate firmware I'll set to it :o)

Thanks again

written by: mikemilton

Thu, 8 Aug 2013 12:27:33 +0100 BST

Thanks, John

Your use case for the MIDI ports makes a lot of sense. This would be particularly true with the BSPro at the far end of the long cable

written by: TheTechnobear

Sun, 1 Sep 2013 13:51:57 +0100 BST

any further thoughts on this John?
Im guessing a matter of prioritisation, any thoughts on timescale?

thanks again

written by: keyman

Wed, 4 Sep 2013 17:47:21 +0100 BST

I'm still in time to add my 2 cent here (was one of the few users "sad" that this feature was missing)
- EigenD total integration
Putting EigenD in the front row receiving and sending MIDI with "nothing" in between be it hardware or software; and it would allow a clean cabling inside everyone's racks ;-) (BSPro to sound modules rack e.g.)

I'm always available to help "Eigenworld" within my humble capabilities.


written by: john

Fri, 6 Sep 2013 11:54:44 +0100 BST

Hi Mark

We have now had the opportunity to have a closer look at this, and there is a version of the firmware for the Basestation Pro that has both the MIDI ports and the extension port code included. Jim has tested this, and it had some reliability issues which he thinks he's figured out and solved. He'll be getting in touch with you to send you a version that you can try at some point soon. There is a command line app for loading the firmware into your basestation, he'll help you out with that.

The caveat with all this is that this is experimental and will need testing. There is the outside possibility that the firmware upload will turn your basestation into a brick, meaning that you wouldn't be able to back the new firmware out. I don't think this will happen, but you never know, it's new not-very-tested VHDL, so whatever you do don't attempt this before a performance of any sort, give yourself enough of a window to be able to ship it back to us where we can reload the existing firmware for you using the onboard JTAG ports. We will of course do this free of any charge if you need us to.

You will still have the challenge of writing the EigenD end after this is working, but it would be great to see that happen if you can find the time. We think that the extension mode should also just work after this firmware upgrade, though this could bear some testing too.


written by: TheTechnobear

Fri, 6 Sep 2013 13:22:54 +0100 BST

excellent, that sounds like good news all round.

im familiar with base_loader for loading the firmware ( I was looking at that at the same time as alpha_loader, hence my alpha_loader upgrade question ... to move to 1.7)
Im also familiar with ezq,ezload etc, and the runtime ihx file (not sure what you call it :o) ) ... so if I need to use a new version of that, I also know how to handle that.

totally understand the 'bricking' issue etc, but as you've tested it on your boxes, thats ok... I assume it has the usually firmware 2 phase load and commit, and checksum safety measures.
so im fine with this.

have you tested the back out, i.e. reloading old firmware, just in case as you say, there is bug somwhere else in code.

Im still learning with the alpha, so worst case shipping back would not cause a big problem - though Id miss not having it around to practice on :o)

thanks again, will be nice to help move things on.

written by: TheTechnobear

Mon, 7 Oct 2013 17:43:27 +0100 BST

any update on this? has jim had time to look at this any more?

(Ive got a bit of time to try this at present, but in next few months things might get a bit busy for me)


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