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written by: 0beron

So are the scale controls not working anymore? The factory setup lets you change the scale, and the tonic. These controls might have been damaged by our layout changes.

In EigenD terminology, tonic is the starting note of a scale, from which the scale offsets are calculated. Scalers also have a 'base note' which defines which scale offset to start a keygroup at, for example if your tonic is C and you have a major scale, and the base note is 0, you get the notes C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C.. etc. If you change the tonic to D you get D,E,F#,G,A,B,C#,D ie D major. If instead you change the base note to 1, you get D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D, ie all the notes from C major, but starting from D.

To light up keys you can use the illuminator (back in the commander):

illuminator create
it to illuminator 1 name ify
tau keyboard 1 to illuminator 1 connect
illuminator 1 hey
physical as green choose

Then you can press the keys you want to be lit green, pressing the last one twice to finish. Works for orange and red as well. Remember to say illuminator 1 hey each time, or say illuminator 1 listen if you're going to do several things, otherwise the choose command goes to all agents in the system and that can wreck your setup. You can ensure an empty list of agents by saying 'empty join', then adding just the agent you want with hey or listen. Save often!

The code above might have mistakes, as I don't have a Tau and I'm writing this off the top of my head without my eigenD inatall to hand for testing.

written by: n0x

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 12:41:05 +0100 BST

Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help guide me through setting up a custom scale for my Tau? What I desire is for there to be no duplicated notes, so that I can maximize the number of notes I can play on my instrument.
There was some information on the wiki, however I really am not clear what it means - or how to go about solving this problem...
Thanks in advance

written by: 0beron

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 13:27:32 +0100 BST

Hi n0x,

There's a couple of ways to do this, both of which involve altering the 'courses' on the Tau keyboard, which are the vertical columns of keys. Probably the easiest way to do this is to change the course offsets, ie the interval between the columns. By default this is a major third, and leads to all the duplicated notes. By setting the offset to a value the same as the vertical height of the keyboard, you can make course 2 start at the next note after the last one in course 1.

In eigenD 1.4.x and earlier you can do this by opening the eigencommander from the eigenD tools menu (or press Cmd-C), and enter the following lines of belcanto:

kgroup 1 listen
course 2 offset to 16 interval set
course 3 interval to 16 interval set
course 4 to 18 interval set

I don't have a tau, so I can't check this, but that should work in any scale, with the bottom of course 1 joining with the top of course 2 an so on. The 16s and 18s are there since the courses on the tau are different lengths, course 3 and 4 are longer.

written by: n0x

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 14:46:40 +0100 BST

Hey 0beron,

That is close to what i want.
With what you sent me, the first column (if you imagine the Tau like a database ^^) goes from note 1 (the lowest) to note 16.
The second column then goes from note 17 to 32.
However the third column goes from note 21 (not 33) to 38
and the fourth from 25 (not 51) to 42.
Higher numbers = higher notes (sorry, but this was the easiest way that I could think to explain it)

Although setting the keyboard up like this would be better than before, I was also wondering if it would be possible to change the keyboard so that it went up in blocks of 4.
I.e. First column goes 1-4,17-20,33-36... etc, rather than 1-16

Thanks for the help so far though!

written by: n0x

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 14:47:29 +0100 BST

Oh, and I have just realized that this setup doesn't include flats or sharps. Is it possible to include them also?

Thanks again

written by: carvingCode

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:16:50 +0100 BST

n0x - What about just using the Chromatic scale?

written by: n0x

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:37:14 +0100 BST

when I try changing the scales it just resets back to how it was before (or appears to), without any of the changes made into the eigencommander

written by: n0x

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:41:17 +0100 BST

ok, tried again and same as above, but now with flats and sharps

written by: 0beron

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:59:41 +0100 BST

Sorry, I probably got the offsets wrong in the first script, you can adjust the numbers to suit your desired layout, but this is limited to sliding the columns around as you say.

To get the 4 column layout you need to restructure the keygroup mapping. What version are you using?
In 1.4.x you can remap the keygroup, but it's an error prone process, and will probably scramble the menus (like the instrument selection keys and drummer controls etc).

In 2.0 you can use workbench to alter your layout which is much easier.

written by: n0x

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 16:13:10 +0100 BST

currently 1.4.12-stable
was probably going to upgrade to 2.0 at some point, but would rather get used to playing the instrument before forking out any more money

written by: luukdegen

Mon, 16 Apr 2012 16:33:02 +0100 BST

written by: n0x

Wed, 25 Apr 2012 03:47:15 +0100 BST

hey guys,
I have now upgraded to 2.0 (but not workbench, as I currently do not have the money to afford it : / )
do you think that the eigenlabs will incorporate into the later releases a visual display of the Tau keys so that they can be changed to different notes and scales can be created on the computer by simply clicking and typing the notes in - instead of having to learn this bellacantro language (which I still have not got my head around)?
as setting up the keys how I want it is almost impossible for me currently

written by: john

Wed, 25 Apr 2012 08:53:48 +0100 BST

Hi n0x

There's a key mapping editor in Workbench that allows one to re-arrange the keys in a keygroup as different courses and orders, both for physical and musical geometries (which are now separate in 2.0). This mapping editor is based on key coordinates (ie, it doesn't provide you with a visual representation of a Tau, it uses row/column pairs of numbers on each side of the mapping) although this is pretty easy to use as it also supports the existing choose mode so you can interact with the instrument while doing it.

This doesn't translate directly to notes as the scaler applies a scale after that, but in general there's already a scale to do what you want available, or if not you can quite easily define your own by editing the User Scales file (details are on the Wiki) with a text editor.

We're not likely to introduce this functionality outside of Workbench, it's really the sort of thing that tool was built for and it would be hard to think of a nice way to even include such a thing without writing a whole new application. The editor needs to exist in some kind of graphical framework that allows one to choose the relevant keygroup and find it's mappings. Stage is not a suitable candidate as it's fully networked using OSC, which is very neat for other reasons but means that the kind of interactions needed for the mapping editor are not trivial to implement.

So, to answer your question clearly, no, we're not likely to introduce that kind of editor outside of Workbench, for a number of reasons, mostly technical.


written by: 0beron

Wed, 25 Apr 2012 16:19:55 +0100 BST

Hi n0x, you can get you r desired keyboard layout without workbench.

Open up the eigencommander and run:
In v1.4:

kgroup 1 listen
k as 1 choose

or in v 2.0

keygroup 1 hey
key as 1 choose

That will light the keyboard red and green, and let you choose the keys in order, so press key 1-4, 17-20,33-36 etc, all the way down the keyboard, then press the last key a second time to exit choose mode.

Hopefully this will leave the physical mapping in 2.0 intact and mean the mode key outputs aren't scrambled (in 1.4 there's no way to avoid this). You then have a keyboard that is physically the same size and shape, but instead of 4 offset courses, you have one giant course that is made up of lots of runs of 4 keys.

Save your setup before you try this as it is difficult to undo, and I may have got it wrong!

written by: n0x

Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:07:36 +0100 BST

Hey 0beron,
That is amazing, thanks so much!
one final question - how can I set it up so that I can change tonics, scales, key? These seem to be disabled
I can still change instruments though, so it isn't such an issue
But thanks again!

written by: n0x

Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:08:22 +0100 BST

actually scratch that - the key is changeable, just not the tonic or scale

written by: 0beron

Thu, 26 Apr 2012 16:23:18 +0100 BST

Are you back in 1.4 now?
By disabled do you mean you can see them but they don't work, or that they have vanished?
It may be that you have to remap the keygroup on which those controls live (they occupy a mini keygroup of their own). Try the choose trick from above but with 'scale kgroup 1', then choose a little rectangle of keys that match where they were before? I don't know the Tau setups that well so this might not work.

I thought that 'tonic' and 'key' were the same thing when it came to scalers (by key here I mean musical key, not a physical plastic key!).

written by: n0x

Fri, 27 Apr 2012 04:35:44 +0100 BST

Hey 0beron,

No, I am using the newer 2.0.44-experimental release.
What I meant by tonic and key (a bit confusing I am sorry) was that I can quickly change the first button (number 1) C to a lower or higher octave using the 2 buttons at the bottom of the Tau (50 and 68 respectively), however can not get the scale to start from a G or a D (for example).
I will try what you have suggested above when I get a chance later tonight.
Thanks again

(oh, one more thing if it isn't too much of a bother - is it possible to light up the rows between my 4 note groups? Just to clearly/better define the divisions between them? It is not urgent if it is difficult to do)

written by: 0beron

Fri, 27 Apr 2012 15:55:01 +0100 BST

So are the scale controls not working anymore? The factory setup lets you change the scale, and the tonic. These controls might have been damaged by our layout changes.

In EigenD terminology, tonic is the starting note of a scale, from which the scale offsets are calculated. Scalers also have a 'base note' which defines which scale offset to start a keygroup at, for example if your tonic is C and you have a major scale, and the base note is 0, you get the notes C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C.. etc. If you change the tonic to D you get D,E,F#,G,A,B,C#,D ie D major. If instead you change the base note to 1, you get D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D, ie all the notes from C major, but starting from D.

To light up keys you can use the illuminator (back in the commander):

illuminator create
it to illuminator 1 name ify
tau keyboard 1 to illuminator 1 connect
illuminator 1 hey
physical as green choose

Then you can press the keys you want to be lit green, pressing the last one twice to finish. Works for orange and red as well. Remember to say illuminator 1 hey each time, or say illuminator 1 listen if you're going to do several things, otherwise the choose command goes to all agents in the system and that can wreck your setup. You can ensure an empty list of agents by saying 'empty join', then adding just the agent you want with hey or listen. Save often!

The code above might have mistakes, as I don't have a Tau and I'm writing this off the top of my head without my eigenD inatall to hand for testing.

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