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Pico: Problem with AU Virtual Synth

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written by: NothanUmber

two additions:
* I didn't mean filtering CC 64 but filtering the middle value 64 for CC 1 (modulation) - what makes sense when you control modulation with the strip controller
* if you control pitch bend then the middle value should be 8192

I can upload you the Bidule layout that does the filtering when I am at home again (you need a full version of Bidule for it when you want to use Bidule as a subhost)


written by: Stéphane Lechit

Tue, 5 Jul 2011 21:23:50 +0100 BST

I'm trying to ply some Arturia's virtual synth like Minimoog or Moog Modular V2 with the Pico. (EigenD 1.2.14 Stable).
I have this problem : when i connect for example strip controller to the the filter cutoff it' works but each time i put a finger on the strip the cutoff goes to is lowest value ! (it's the same with others parameters -like resonance etc..- and with others controls -like key pressure or breath pipe etc...-) If i use the breath pipe for example when i stop blowing the value goes to is lowest value !

So i suppose that is it not normal.

If someone can give me some help...



written by: NothanUmber

Tue, 5 Jul 2011 22:09:19 +0100 BST

I am not sure which version introduced that feature (it's definitely in the testing and experimental branches, could still be missing in stable):
In newer EigenD versions just
* open your plugin
* click to "Configure" in the upper left corner
* a dialog pops up

Now it depends how you control your synthesizer parameters.
* If it works with parameter modulation: then use the "Plugin parameters" matrix, otherwise there is a "Midi CC Messages" matrix.
In either way the following receipe should get you going:
- click on the matrix entry that matches the parameter mapping you want to edit (e.g. Param10<--Breath)
- there you can adapt the bounds as desired (Low and High value and Base value) as well as the "Always return to origin" flag - if you disable that then the modulated value will not jump back to the "base" value when you release the key.

For older EigenD versions you have to do some Belcanto voodoo, would have to investigate myself how to do that - someone from the dev team can presumably give you a description just from memory :)


P.S.: At least the "testing" release is already rather stable, did not find a disadvantage compared to "stable". (Experimental can be more on the bleeding edge). And you can always install several versions in parallel and jump back and forth.

P.P.S.: Unfortunately we don't have access to the Workbench yet, but some info about the setup can be gained from looking into Stage with some guesswork. Presumably there are some rangers between the keyboard agent and audio unit 1 ( that are still not mentioned in the pico setup description ( . On first sight setting the "sticky" parameter of the "global inverted breath ranger" might do the trick for breath control - did not try it out though. That would be activated by entering

global inverted breath ranger hey sticky set

into the EigenCommander. Trial and error...

written by: keyman

Wed, 6 Jul 2011 00:45:56 +0100 BST

Hi, Stéphane

The Seminars are always a good starting point The_Routing_Matrix as some experimenting with those controls also get you there!


P.S.Don't forget that with the Strip Controller you get - Strip Position and Absolute Strip, and you can "Invert"


written by: Stéphane Lechit

Tue, 5 Jul 2011 23:31:06 +0100 BST

i've tried with EigenD 1.3.22. Problem is quite different. When i release for example the strip the value of the parameter do not return to the lowest value but to the initial value. It's the same using Pluggin Parameter or Midi CC change. I've read on the forum that when strip controler or breathpipe for example are released a message is send who brings the value to the initial position.
Perhaps is it possible to disable this ?
I will take a look to the seminar.

Sorry if it's not clear enough, I'm French and my English isn't very technic.


written by: geert

Wed, 6 Jul 2011 07:39:09 +0100 BST

Hi Stéphane,

Most controller indeed snap back to the origin simply based on the physical nature of what you're using (no breath, key in resting postion, ...). I'll have to check but I think that the absolute strip position doesn't go back to zero at all times (could be the relative one), which is why there's a 'return to origin' setting in the mapping matrix. However, since the Eigenharp is so sensitive, it's often possible to send out other data when removing your finder and not have it stick exactly where you thought it would.

What your describing though seems like you're using relative strip controller values, meaning that when you touch the strip it will always start at 0 since the initial position becomes the reference point. Try using the absolute strip position.

Hope this helps,


written by: Stéphane Lechit

Fri, 8 Jul 2011 22:33:38 +0100 BST

I think, unfortunatly that what i'd like to do with an eigenharp instrument isn't possible. I own a hardware synth : when i play i can turn the knob for the filter and open it. When my hand leave the knob the value stay the same.
With the Eigenharp as a controller this isn't possible : when i leave my hand of the strip the value return to is original value or to the base value in the matrix parameters.

So you can't play a virtual synth with a soft and continue modulation of a parameter (filter for example).

I have dreamed that the Eigenharp would allow to play polyphonics soft or hard synth withs 3 or 4 parameters controlled in real time by the super sentives keys, strip controller and breath pipe to create and control delicates, sensitives,complexes modulated and evolutionarys sounds.

But it's not possible, cause the parameters always returns to the initial value when you leave the controller :-(
And this possibility was the principal reason of dreaming about an Alpha
The dream is it over?


written by: NothanUmber

Sun, 10 Jul 2011 10:24:24 +0100 BST

Did you try to disable the "always return to origin" option as described above (am not at home so I can't test this - there is a good chance that it works though).

Previously (before the midi matrix came into existence) I had a "homemade" solution for the strip controller that involved using Bidule by filtering CC 64 as long as the previously played CC was in a distance > +/- 10 in order to prevent resetting the value while still having smooth transistions.


written by: Stéphane Lechit

Sun, 10 Jul 2011 11:37:36 +0100 BST

Always return to origin is disabled.
I'm not so expert in midi control so I have to learn about the filtering of CC.


written by: NothanUmber

Sun, 10 Jul 2011 14:03:10 +0100 BST

two additions:
* I didn't mean filtering CC 64 but filtering the middle value 64 for CC 1 (modulation) - what makes sense when you control modulation with the strip controller
* if you control pitch bend then the middle value should be 8192

I can upload you the Bidule layout that does the filtering when I am at home again (you need a full version of Bidule for it when you want to use Bidule as a subhost)


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