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General Discussion: Eigenharp talk in London tomorrow evening

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written by: ZaPPZion

Hey, it'd be cool if it was recorded :) I love seeing those, I can't fly all over the world yet :)

written by: geert

Mon, 13 Jun 2011 16:36:08 +0100 BST

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd remind everyone that John Lambert and I are giving a talk with demonstrations tomorrow night at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London. If you're nearby, this is an ideal opportunity to meet up or to try out the Eigenharp Alpha if you've been wanting to do so.

See you there!


Here's the abstract of the talk:

14th June 2011 | 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

The Eigenharp – a radically new musical instrument/

Royal Academy of Engineering, London, SW1Y 5DG, United Kingdom

Developed in the UK, the Eigenharp represents a significant departure from previous electronic instruments. A wholly new sensor design, software system and physical form factor combine to make a highly expressive and inspiring experience for the musician who wishes to use software synthesis and sampling. The instrument has a growing following and a number of important artists now own them including film composer Hans Zimmer, Grammy award winner Imogen Heap and saxophonist Courtney Pine.

The talk will introduce the instrument and demonstrate its capabilities, before exploring the engineering challenges that were encountered and solved as part of its eight year development process. The sensor design, physical layout and communications system will be described along with a discussion on the importance of different types of software instruments, the emerging Open Sound Control standard and the use and limitations of MIDI in expressive environments.
John Lambert will be accompanied by Geert Bevin, a senior software engineer and musician at Eigenlabs who will be demonstrating and playing the instrument.

Time permitting, there will be an opportunity to try an Eigenharp at the end of the talk.

written by: mikemilton

Mon, 13 Jun 2011 17:18:06 +0100 BST

If only the Concorde was still flying (just kidding, sorta)

I hope this makes it way online in some form for those in the Eigen-diaspora


written by: ZaPPZion

Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:26:39 +0100 BST

Hey, it'd be cool if it was recorded :) I love seeing those, I can't fly all over the world yet :)

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