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Tau: Routing matrix - no continuous control in Plugin Parameters

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written by: DaveTheHat

OK - so this was my mis-understanding.

The plugin parameter for wah actually _does_ switch - between three values, off/mod wheel/auto. Connecting the breath pipe up to wah was simply a case of making the right setting in the Kontakt UI, then mapping the breath pipe to the mod wheel controller in the Midi tab of the router.

Problem solved.

written by: DaveTheHat

Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:52:27 +0100 BST

Trying to use breath controller to control Wah in the NI Kontakt Player Band instruments (Funk Bass), by setting up the respective cell in the routing matrix (Plugin Parameters/2:breath)

The control seems to be hooked up as an on/off switch (you can see the knob in the Kontakt GUI flip between 0 and full on as you blow). Is this a plugin issue, or is the matrix not set up properly?


OS: Mac OS X 10.664 bit: yes
CPU: GenuineIntel Cores: 2 Speed: 2500 mhz
Memory: 4096 mb
Version: 1.3.16-testing

written by: keyman

Wed, 20 Apr 2011 22:12:32 +0100 BST

matrix not set up properly.... please take a close look at the Seminar about The Routing Matrix

There is extensive and detailed control on the Matrix to achieve what you want.


written by: DaveTheHat

Wed, 20 Apr 2011 23:05:06 +0100 BST

The seminar doesn't really help - it just covers the Midi routing. Midi touting is fine, it's the AU parameters. The dialog box is different when you click on a cell - it doesn't offer the MIDI 7/14 bit granularity options, for a start. But I'll persevere with the videos and let you know ...

written by: NothanUmber

Wed, 20 Apr 2011 23:28:58 +0100 BST

There seems to be a bug in the implementation of the breath control assignment of the matrix:
If you play with the scale, invert and "Always return to origin" settings then you can run into the situation that the parameter has the value 1 if you do not breathe and 0 if you suck. Clearing the cell and reenabling it with default settings won't help you. But there is a trick: Clear the cell and blow into the breath pipe while clicking the cell again. Then the mapping works as expected (no breath: 0, full breath: 1, medium breath: the in between values).

If you still get a toggle behaviour perhaps try to automate the parameter with a different control - if it's still 0/1 then chances are good that it's really only an on/off switch on the synth side


written by: DaveTheHat

Thu, 21 Apr 2011 08:38:01 +0100 BST

Thanks Nothan, I'll give that a go this evening

written by: DaveTheHat

Thu, 21 Apr 2011 21:16:42 +0100 BST

OK - so this was my mis-understanding.

The plugin parameter for wah actually _does_ switch - between three values, off/mod wheel/auto. Connecting the breath pipe up to wah was simply a case of making the right setting in the Kontakt UI, then mapping the breath pipe to the mod wheel controller in the Midi tab of the router.

Problem solved.

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