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written by: keyman

Thanks John, as always for you're "enlightenment".

EigenD chooser is definitely important and needed!


written by: keyman

Fri, 11 Feb 2011 04:05:59 +0000 GMT

In the latest EigenD 1.3.14-testing there's some awesome Tabs (this time for the ALPHA!!)

Here's some Ipad screen shots...
Well done !! Eigenlabs...


written by: mikemilton

Sat, 12 Feb 2011 16:59:55 +0000 GMT

Yes, this is a great head start. I've been trying it out and...

- the activate buttons don't all light (eg: one can't tell which drummer voices are running) This might relate to their size?

- changing the octave on the instrument is not reflected in 'octave'

Otherwise, great so far

written by: keyman

Sun, 13 Feb 2011 01:50:44 +0000 GMT

Hi, Mike...
About the green lights, I'm sure Eigenlabs are implementing more of those, (hopefully) either way I'll send Aaran some more requests/Ideas.

green lights indication:
- Drummer voices
- witch scale/Tonic/bpm tempo/bar record loops etc
- midi channel
- about the metronome is it possible to flash on STAGE ( dose it make any sense?)


written by: john

Sun, 13 Feb 2011 09:17:16 +0000 GMT


The status lights on the Talker buttons are next on the list for Stage, right after finishing the EigenD chooser (for if you start Stage and there is more than one EigenD running on the local network, it needs to be able to allow you to choose which one to connect to). The status lights are rather thornier than they look as they are implemented in a flexible way in EigenD (you don't have to have the status light on the same key that activates the Talker) which makes it quite troublesome to automatically connect them in a GUI.

Specific tabs for the iPhone are on Dave and Finlay's todo list. This is also a slightly more complex issue than it looks as we have to consider how to show and hide the various different aspect ratio tab canvases as the number of them rises, so they will in time need a software changes as well.

The flashing status light on the metronome is probably not worth pursuing Keyman. It would be nice, but the network latency and general flakiness of wifi would make it a very uncertain proposition, I don't think it could be relied upon to show good timing information and if it can't work reliably I'm not sure we want it there at all...

That octave status thing looks like a bug to me Mike, I'll look in to it next week.


written by: keyman

Mon, 14 Feb 2011 04:19:14 +0000 GMT

Thanks John, as always for you're "enlightenment".

EigenD chooser is definitely important and needed!


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