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Alpha: Advanced controls as shown on page 13 (LEDs not as expected)

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written by: SoundsAmazing

Hello keyman,

Thanks for the help. I understand.
I'll start watching EigenBrowser more often.
(Sometime it gets hidden under other screens.)
I'll just make sure it stays on top.

One of the reasons for buying Alpha is the open system.
I'll be starting BELANTO as soon as I get "over" the basics.

Thanks, David

written by: SoundsAmazing

Sat, 22 Jan 2011 23:33:32 +0000 GMT

Just got my Alpha, (cool), and updated to eigenD 1.214 - stable
(Note: Alpha acted the same before the update.)

When I get to Advanced controls (On split 1) as shown on page 13
of the "Alpha quick reference guide" the led pattern on my Alpha does not
match what is shown in the printed manual. (1.0.10 and above).

3 (Mixer) the led is on as expected
the next course, below, the led is on, not expected,
(this led is not identified in the manual).

4 (Pedal Calibration) the led is on as expected
but the led in the next course, 7 (Headphone and Microphone) is not on.

What am I missing or what don’t I understand.

Thanks for any help.


written by: keyman

Sun, 23 Jan 2011 16:49:00 +0000 GMT

Hi, David
This is no excuse under any circumstance,but I'm sure you know of the wonderful versatility and many possible configurations EIGEND can achieve, it's not a closed system.

3 (Mixer) the led is on as expected
the next course, below, the led is on, not expected,
(this led is not identified in the manual).

That led/key is the 7 (Headphone and Microphone)
(with attention and "reading" the EigenBrowser each key gives you feedback on it's function)

Many updates to the software... it's not that easy to put on paper.

There are more "little different things" (I just scribble over the manual) but in the end, the functions and parameters are there; what's matter for me is stability and get to know BELCANTO so I can "change at will"

Let me know if I can help more.


written by: SoundsAmazing

Mon, 24 Jan 2011 05:09:08 +0000 GMT

Hello keyman,

Thanks for the help. I understand.
I'll start watching EigenBrowser more often.
(Sometime it gets hidden under other screens.)
I'll just make sure it stays on top.

One of the reasons for buying Alpha is the open system.
I'll be starting BELANTO as soon as I get "over" the basics.

Thanks, David

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