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General Discussion: ALL Tau players!

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written by: carvingCode

Thanks, Ferdinand, for the thorough explanation.

written by: Ilovehateoregon

Wed, 25 Aug 2010 02:54:02 +0100 BST

I want to start a thread for all Tau users. We are segregated solely because where the baby of the Eigenharp family. Well I know how to fight for seconds... and equal rights! How about a Tau thread... guys, guys?

written by: focusaurus

Mon, 6 Sep 2010 22:05:46 +0100 BST

I also have a Tau. The lack of documentation is really troubling. This is an expensive item. I am hitting major roadblocks including eigenbrowser basically never working except when it magically does, can't change the scale anymore and am stuck in major, etc.

written by: aaronw

Wed, 8 Sep 2010 16:25:07 +0100 BST

Hi Focusaurus,

I am sorry you are having problems, if you could give some more details on what you are finding difficult we will do our best to help you.


Customer Services

written by: luukdegen

Sat, 9 Oct 2010 18:26:55 +0100 BST

Hello, co-Tau pioneers
Good plan to start a Tau thread. Just got mine a couple of days ago, and still very deep in exploration. Exciting. So far, the software was less simple and complete than expected, that's a point of investigation: how the higher EigenD versions look. Same with the documentation: looks pretty, but misses key info for starters. If I have time (or better: when I have time) I could start to think and define how I think software and doc could be organized and structured. For now I'm having lower-to-earth investigaitons running: how can I reset the Tau and is there a on/off control somewhere?
Yoohoo, this is part of the fun.
From this thread we could even write a wikibook How to Master Mister Tau...... or is he a she?

written by: NothanUmber

Mon, 11 Oct 2010 22:11:50 +0100 BST

also still in the setup and initial learing phase. Playing chords is imho MUCH more intuitive and less restricting than on a guitar. (With my limited guitar experience at least... Presumably I went into guitar learning with too high expectations - many things that are easy on piano are nearly impossible on the guitar and having all fingers wound after a week of playing didn't help to enhance my relationship to this instrument... Unfortunately there is no unplugged acoustic version of the Tau :P )
Back to Tau: Is already much fun and promising, still have to change some things on the setup though before it makes sense to dive into deeper practicing waters.


written by: luukdegen

Mon, 18 Oct 2010 08:07:27 +0100 BST

I tried to hook up my Tau to my Daw (Reason). Instructions in the Documentation tell me to enter the ' Instrument.FX control' mode. Where (the heck) can Ii find this mode - I'm sure I'm overlooking something but I can not find that mode anywhere in my Quick Ref guide...
Anyone managed better than me?

written by: sam

Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:04:37 +0100 BST

Hi luukdegen,

There is no 'Instrument/FX Control' mode on the Tau. The equivalents on the Tau are the 'Advanced controls' found on page 11 of your Quick Reference Guide.

The key labelled '11' on the diagram on this page is the control mode for the 'MIDI out 1' instrument. Press and hold Keygroup 1's mode key and select the key marked 11, and release the mode key. You will be presented with a grid of lights in the lower half of the Tau, an unlit strip of keys, and a lit key on its own below that. If you ensure you are running the EigenBrowser (launched from the EigenD 'Tools' menu) and press this key, this will display your available MIDI ports in the left hand pane of the EigenBrowser. If you select your desired MIDI port/device, the MIDI out 1 instrument will now send all its MIDI data to this destination.

To select the MIDI out 1 instrument, turn to page 8 of your Quick Reference Guide. Under the heading 'Keygroup Mode Key Layout', you will notice the general layout of the instruments within each Keygroup - select the key marked '12' (MIDI out 1) to set the desired Keygroup to use MIDI out 1.

I hope this has answered your question - if you have any other problems please let us know.


written by: Toaster

Thu, 9 Dec 2010 05:57:08 +0000 GMT

Ok, maybe my first post should have been in here, rather than 'help'. It's day two with the Tau for me, and I've come quite a ways from last nights 'doh! I left the sequencer on' moment . I, too could have done with basic 'is there a reset' information (so far, I think the only 'reset' is to reload the factory setting). The video tutorial is sort of nice, but the fast talking dude in it is holding his instrument differently than mine, so 'press this key' took ages to figure out, and eventually I left him and began flipping through the key charts.

A bit of a better 'let's get you started!' guide would be nice, which just covers some of the basics (loading AUs, volume controls, etc.)

On the plus side, I find the thing oddly intuitive to play. I'm an entirely self taught, play by ear, no clue sort of musician, and was getting 'what I wanted' from it very quickly. I still fat finger some of the keys, and get bent notes when I don't want them, but hey, day two, not day ten thousand.

Tau players, unite.

written by: Ilovehateoregon

Mon, 17 Jan 2011 20:56:28 +0000 GMT

I'm curious what version of EigenD Tau users are using? I "upgraded" once(EigenD prompted me to) and it made things more complex and confusing... just curious what most people are running?

written by: ZaPPZion

Mon, 17 Jan 2011 23:32:22 +0000 GMT

I'm always on the latest unstable version, I like to have the new stuff, even if it doesn't fully work yet. Yes, it might be getting a little more complex and confusing, but if you keep up with the updates, there's not that much to worry about, since you won't see too much changing from update to update

written by: chemicalgift

Sun, 6 Nov 2011 04:14:36 +0000 GMT

Hi just got my Tau three days ago, and I just hit my first roadblock. Upon turning my Eigenharp on today - none of the mode keys are working. The Tau is on - but when I hit the first mode key - I don't see of the menu lights light up - same goes for the other modes keys. Can anyone offer any help?

written by: geert

Sun, 6 Nov 2011 07:04:58 +0000 GMT

Hi Chemicalgift,

Could you please check which version of EigenD you are using? It might be worthwhile upgrading to 1.3.32-stable.



written by: chemicalgift

Sun, 6 Nov 2011 08:10:34 +0000 GMT

Hey Geert,

Yes, I am upgraded to 1.3.32-stable. I was messing around with the second tutorial last night, and got stuck. Decided to turn it off and start again the next day - but once I turned things on, none of my modes are working. I must have hit something while I was exploring - I was just wondering if there was a factory reset.



written by: geert

Sun, 6 Nov 2011 08:50:02 +0000 GMT

Hi Nisha,

That sounds really weird, are you sure that your USB cable is plugged in on both sides? If it is, can you please try another USB port or simply replug the USB cable on both ends? Btw, the Eigenharps are stateless, so they always start from scratch when a setup is loaded, no need to search for a factory reset.

Take care,


written by: ZaPPZion

Sun, 6 Nov 2011 22:28:56 +0000 GMT

I've had some similar problem once, where it just didn't pick up the Tau, look at it here:
Hope that'll work for you

written by: carvingCode

Fri, 18 Nov 2011 23:45:24 +0000 GMT

Can someone give me feedback on how Tau support on Windows7 in the 1.4.x branch is working? Thanks.

written by: NothanUmber

Sat, 19 Nov 2011 00:47:14 +0000 GMT

Comparable to Tau support on Mac I'd say :)
No major problems. (Although the latest version got a little bit more thrifty, EigenD requires quite some RAM with the Tau setup (which is more complex than the Pico one), so memory intensive synths like Omnisphere are perhaps not the best choice until 64 bit support is introduced - easily running out of memory here with the more complex layered presets. This was the only source of instability in the last time. And it can easily be prevented by using less memory intensive synths - then everything is as stable as expected.)

written by: carvingCode

Sat, 19 Nov 2011 00:56:13 +0000 GMT

Any word on when 64bit is coming?

written by: NothanUmber

Sat, 19 Nov 2011 01:07:20 +0000 GMT

that's what john wrote here:
"32 bit apps allow up to 4G of RAM. Beyond that requires a native 64 bit application. EigenD is currently 32 bit.. We are working on a port to 64 bit which will allow the use of more than 4G of RAM. This will be part of the 2.X series of EigenD."

written by: NothanUmber

Sat, 19 Nov 2011 01:23:18 +0000 GMT

The memory issue is more severe on Windows than on Mac OS X because in Windows the 4 GB virtual memory that a 32 bit application can address is split into 2-3 GB user space and 1-2 GB kernel space while on Mac a 32 bit process has the full 4 GB at it's disposal, so we have much less memory available on Windows. Didn't even recognize the RAM usage of EigenD before trying Omnisphere though, all other synths I tried were way below the critical RAM barrier.

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