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Sounds: Key swells

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written by: geert

I think Eigenlabs should start a deal with AU and sampler instrument vendors to get us good rebates ... we'll end up buying a whole bunch of them anyway!

written by: 0beron

Sun, 27 Jun 2010 13:02:19 +0100 BST

I'm trying to achieve a particular effect with one of the string patches in omnisphere - that of a nice volume swell through out a chord. I've mapped key pressure to the part volume, and that works brilliantly for the rising part of the swell, but I want to be able to remove my fingers quickly (and play the next chord) without the volume suddenly dropping to nothing. I suppose part volume isn't the right parameter to use either, since then all notes have to be proportional in volume, and I want the notes of one chord to die away slowly while the next one fades in.

I guess I also might need to wait until we get the chance to hack at the internals of eigenD, since I want to somehow decouple the rising section of the swell from the tail - I want the first section to be controlled by the keys, and the tail to be automatic and kick in once I release the key in question.

For now I might set up omnisphere with an automatic rise and fall in the envelopes, but if there are any synthesizer programming experts out there who can think of a way to get this to work with the eigenD of today then that would be fantastic!

written by: mikemilton

Sun, 27 Jun 2010 14:29:52 +0100 BST

hmmmm.... Well, aren't you saying that you want the keypressure to be be mapped to the sustain level of an ADSR envelope? In that case, the sound should just decay from whatever level you have when you release the key.

It would be nicer still if you have a full ADSHR in omnisphere to add some H(old) before the R(elease). You might be able to map the hold time to some other control for interesting effect.

Finally, I'd try adding a filter to the the keypressure as well to change the timbre along with a simple volume swell (but that is just me)

written by: Tenebrous

Sun, 27 Jun 2010 14:44:03 +0100 BST

Usually (I think) you would use aftertouch for that... but I wouldn't know how that works in Omnisphere :(

written by: 0beron

Sun, 27 Jun 2010 15:22:50 +0100 BST

That almost works I think, but Omnisphere seems to take a snapshot of the envelope settings at the start of each note, so swelling has no effect on the current notes, just on what volume any new notes will have.... :(

written by: mikemilton

Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:05:41 +0100 BST

OK - so how about any other AU filter that can modulate volume and has an enevelope? I fairly sure you could do this with Bidule but have not tried.

written by: barnone

Mon, 28 Jun 2010 17:59:48 +0100 BST

>That almost works I think, but Omnisphere seems to take a snapshot of the envelope settings at the start of each note

I was doing this with another synth yesterday and it worked great. Using pressure to change sustain and volume. But this plugin does let sustain affect the current notes until release which can be set long.

It's actually quite a nice plugin for the harp.

I'm a bit surprised that Omnisphere doesn't allow sustain level to affect current notes. That seems counter to what sustain level is in an ADSR.

written by: mikemilton

Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:34:28 +0100 BST

@barnone - stop selling me stuff!

written by: Tenebrous

Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:28:48 +0100 BST

Argh, credit card limit approaching! *ducks*

written by: geert

Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:50:03 +0100 BST

I think Eigenlabs should start a deal with AU and sampler instrument vendors to get us good rebates ... we'll end up buying a whole bunch of them anyway!

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