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Software: Any way to change the order of the keys?

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written by: johanhenselmans

I just found out, (from the unstable release notes), that to load the scripts, there is a new Instrument/FX Control key, K12 (the eight key from the top on the right hand side if the instrument is in your hands).

That will open the browser in Script mode, and enables you to load the keyboard layout script (like the one above, for instance).

written by: johanhenselmans

Wed, 3 Mar 2010 22:24:34 +0000 GMT

I am having trouble playing the pico with the key sequence like it is now:
If you play two scales in a major, it is
first 4 right keys
first 4 left keys
second 4 right keys.
second 4 left keys

For me it would make more sense if a scale is first 8 right keys,
second scale first 8 left keys.

I tried to restructure the scale in Library/Eigenlabs/Scale Manager/User Scales.txt, but that did not work. Is there any way to program that kind of sequence? It would make it for me, as an old guitar hand, much more logical to play.

Is there any reason you have chosen the ordering like you have done?

written by: stuwyatt

Wed, 3 Mar 2010 23:19:40 +0000 GMT

Hi Johan. I had the same issues with the standard Pico fingering, so I created the following scales:
Add these to your user_scales.txt file. Once the file saved, restart EigenD and select the new scales using the Browser:

[Two courses major]
;This scale is a major scale on two courses
intervals=0 2 4 5 12 14 16 17 7 9 11 12 19 21 23 24 24

[Two course minor harmonic]
;This scale is a major scale on two courses
intervals=0 2 3 5 12 14 15 17 7 8 11 12 19 20 23 24 24

[Two course minor melodic]
;This scale is a major scale on two courses
intervals=0 2 3 5 12 14 15 17 7 9 11 12 19 21 23 24 24

There are a few more that I created (as well as a few from Eigenlabs which I requested) at:

To program scales on the Pico, you have to remember that the scale mapping is:
L1 L2 L3 L4 R1 R2 R3 R4 L5 L6 L7 L8 R5 R6 R7 R8 [dummy value]

L= Left, R=Right, and there always has to be a random 17th dummy amount at the end of the scale (due to a programming glitch I believe)... without this 17th amount, the scale won't be loaded by EigenD.

I hope some of this makes sense or is of help to you! :)


written by: catoro

Thu, 4 Mar 2010 07:44:28 +0000 GMT

You can use the unstable version where you will find a script for this... you can adapt it to your needs very easy.



written by: john

Thu, 4 Mar 2010 11:46:45 +0000 GMT

Carlos is right, if you can bear to run the unstable software release (which is as it says, not guaranteed to be stable, but it's quite late on in this ones lifetime, only a couple of weeks from moving into testing, it seems pretty good now although I don't think I'd use it live just yet) then you can remap your keys however you like using the Scripting support. There are a couple of different key layouts already defined, and the scripts themselves can be seen, copied and edited in your Library/Eigenlabs/Scripts folder. Sam is going to add a couple more different standard layouts to the next release as well.

The workaround that Stu has described here does work (and for the old school players from before scripting support became available, it was the only option) but it does mean that you cannot use all the standard scales in whatever fingering you have decided on, which is quite a loss. It is a lot better to remap the key order using the scripting, if you can, before the keys even get as far as the Scaler.


written by: stuwyatt

Thu, 4 Mar 2010 13:32:49 +0000 GMT

Oh wow, I didn't know that this could be simplified with scripting. It has saved me from having to program a load of scales :)

Thanks guys!

written by: johanhenselmans

Thu, 4 Mar 2010 15:17:24 +0000 GMT

I had already downloaded unstable 1.1.0-12 and found the scripts in /usr/pi/release-1.1.0-unstable12/resources/Scripts/Keyboard Layout"
and I copied the descending2 script to ~/Library/Eigenlabs/Scripts and renamed it to johan1, just for testing.

But how can you make eigend choose these keyboard remappings? Is there a Browser command, or should it be done in another way?

written by: stuwyatt

Thu, 4 Mar 2010 15:19:12 +0000 GMT

I just edited the factor script so that it ascends rather than descends if anyone else needs it. (It works better for me).

Add this as a plain text file in your User/Eigenlabs/Scripts folder, and rename the file to whatever you like. Many thanks John and Catoro for making me aware of this. :)


Apply a key mapping which is the other way up from the
standard; pitch decreases as you move down the keyboard.

This mapping has 2 blocks of 8 keys instead of 4 blocks running upwards
of 4 keys

This script should be run with pico setups only

kmapper 2 listen
k 1 add
k 2 add
k 3 add
k 4 add
k 9 add
k 10 add
k 11 add
k 12 add
k 5 add
k 6 add
k 7 add
k 8 add
k 13 add
k 14 add
k 15 add
k 16 add

written by: johanhenselmans

Thu, 4 Mar 2010 15:32:35 +0000 GMT

I just found out, (from the unstable release notes), that to load the scripts, there is a new Instrument/FX Control key, K12 (the eight key from the top on the right hand side if the instrument is in your hands).

That will open the browser in Script mode, and enables you to load the keyboard layout script (like the one above, for instance).

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