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Pico: Wireless USB

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written by: justbobpro

Has anyone had any luck running a longer usb cable? I tried an active and a passive extension cable with no luck.

written by: geert

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:27:45 +0000 GMT

I was wondering if Eigenlabs did any testing with Wireless USB for the Pico. It seems to me that it would be totally awesome to get rid of the cable on stage.

written by: john

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 17:30:36 +0000 GMT

We did a LOT of testing with WIFI a couple of years ago. I don't know about wireless USB but I can say for sure that WIFI in a stage environment is awful. Really really unreliable. The Alpha was originally intended to be a wireless instrument but we couldn't find a single wireless protocol that was high enough throughput and reliable at the same time. Even with a wire we spent over a year making our wire protocol work well - its now a 40mbit, transformer balanced, error recovering protocol, which is why you can have a stage wire up to 40M long on an Alpha. Stage environments are really really noisy electrically. We have dreams of a wireless Alpha still, but they now involve a years work for a team of engineers, 2 RF chaps and 2 software guys. It will be difficult.

With regards to playing the Pico wireless, you may find it possible in electrically quieter environments but remember that it is also powered (and it draws more than 400mA on and off, depending on how many LEDS are lit). We do intend an adapter to our stage wire so that it can be played with an Alpha basestation on a long wire at some point next year, Phil (our Head of Electronic Engineering) has been looking into this. It's quite a complicated thing to make though as it has to be a USB host, which turns out to be quite fiddly.

We'll keep you posted as to progress...


written by: geert

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 18:05:26 +0000 GMT

I can understand why with the Alpha this will not work due to the number of keys and the fact that you actually also send audio back and forth, right (mic, headphones)? It seems to me though that the Pico is a totally different story and that the functionality could be reduced enough for this to be possible to work with the bandwidth of a wireless protocol.

written by: john

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:23:37 +0000 GMT

The Pico actually ships all its raw key data via the USB (several mbits) and the DSP to make sense of this is done on the host computer, so data rates are still high.


written by: justbobpro

Wed, 24 Feb 2010 23:15:39 +0000 GMT

Has anyone had any luck running a longer usb cable? I tried an active and a passive extension cable with no luck.

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