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Sounds: tuning

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written by: john

This is the sample rate bug that we know about on Snow Leopard. It's next on the list to be fixed, for the next planned stable bugfix release after 1.0.5 (which is going out tonight), 1.0.6.


written by: petermitchell

Sat, 28 Nov 2009 06:56:04 +0000 GMT

the pico consistently plays 50 cents flat.. every scale, every key and every instrument..
is it eigenlabs software? is it the mac sound engine? am i missing something?
fyi, the hardware is macbook 5,1 [6 months old] and os x 10.6.2
btw, i need new software for my brain.. or reprogramming.. or something :)
loving it !!
thanks in advance

written by: geert

Sat, 28 Nov 2009 15:46:24 +0000 GMT

I've had exactly the same problem with the built-in sound card of the Mac at one time, and when removing an aggregate device that was including the built-in sound card this problems seems to have gone away. I also had weird things like the roots of the scales not being the correct ones. Maybe there was a confusion related to the sampling rate, causing EigenD and CoreAudio to not be in sync. I know there was something related to the sample rate negotiation on Snow Leopard that should be fixed in a next release.

written by: catoro

Sat, 28 Nov 2009 17:28:24 +0000 GMT

check your applications/audio an midi and be sure that input and output are both at 44100. download the latest eigendD. Make sure that your havenĀ“t modified the scales unintentionally.

written by: geert

Sat, 28 Nov 2009 17:34:22 +0000 GMT

catora, on Snow Leopard, using 44100 will actually create problems, it has to be 48000 ... until that bug is fixed.

written by: petermitchell

Sun, 29 Nov 2009 18:01:09 +0000 GMT

problem solved...
i switched to 48000, then back to 44.1 and now the tuning is very good. within a few cents.
thanks and blessings

written by: aaronw

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:48:11 +0000 GMT

Hi Peter,

Glad you fixed your problem, let me know if you have any more issues.


Customer Support

written by: john

Mon, 30 Nov 2009 16:57:23 +0000 GMT

This is the sample rate bug that we know about on Snow Leopard. It's next on the list to be fixed, for the next planned stable bugfix release after 1.0.5 (which is going out tonight), 1.0.6.


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