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Software: Problem with loading custom scales

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written by: torsten_anders

Dear Randy and Mark,

Thank you both for your helpful and quick feedback! My success rate at changing scales is now much higher, though still not 100 percent. Seems the remaining problems are user errors handling the software. Still a bit weird, usually I don't have so much problems using some software (as long as it is not a programming system, that is).


written by: torsten_anders

Sun, 7 Apr 2013 23:16:35 +0100 BST


This is my first post here. I am having a Pico for two days now :)

I defined some user scales and tried to load them (thanks a lot for having that option!). I succeeded in doing so, but customising the 8 scale keys that way appears to be rather unreliable. I have to repeat the loading very many times until it finally is registered.

I read that in principle this should work either via Stage + Browser, or via the Scale Control on the instrument (with visual control in the Browser). I succeeded in customising scales using Stage, but as I said, it appears to work only rarely. Using Scale Control it is even more difficult, because the selection with the scroll keys seems only to work with a certain velocity range (is there a reason for that?).

I should perhaps add that in contrast to the Tutorial Videos, my "Browse scale for adjacent key"-keys never light up green when using the Scale Control. I am using the latest EigenD 2.0.74-stable.

What am I missing?

Thanks a lot,
Torsten Anders

written by: TheTechnobear

Mon, 8 Apr 2013 09:31:23 +0100 BST

welcome to the land of eigenharps.

as you say, its a bit difficult navigating the browser, partly because the keys on the eigenharp are so sensitive, and i also find getting things to 'register' with the browser tricky.
to be honest i mainly use the mouse to use the browser - which is rather infrequent.

if you have user scales that you use frequently, you could sustitute them for one of the predefined ones, and then save the setup - so you dont need to use the browser.
( you can then edit the text in stage if you want too)

more 'advanced' , is to use belcanto (the scripting language) to alter the scales directly , you can then attach this to the key (using talkers) and also add in stage. but Id get a bit more familar with the pico before you go down this route :)

anyway, hope your enjoying your pico.

oh, and there is a google+ community (eigenharp) id recommend you join too..

written by: carvingCode

Mon, 8 Apr 2013 12:52:49 +0100 BST

The method outlined in the Pico Quick Start guide works. Keep in mind that it's diagrams are for the Factory Standard Pico setup.

1) Make sure you have loaded the Standard Pico setup
2) Make sure you have the Eigenbrowser window open
3) Enter the Scale select mode on the instrument by holding the mode
key a tapping key 2 in the row of keys closest to the pressure strip. You
can now select a scale by tapping the keys furthest from the pressure
strip. To set a scale different from the default 8, focus instead on the row of keys closest to the pressure strip.
4) Tap key 1 (row closest to pressure strip). The Eigenbrowser window
should change to show the list of user scales.
5) With the mouse, clock on 'flamenco'. Now, instead of scale slot 1
having the default 'major' scale, it now contains the 'flamenco' scale.
6) Now tap key 1 in the row of keys furthest from the pressure strip to activate the scale.
7) Select the instrument to play, i.e.: Sampler 1, AU/VST 1, etc.

The scale you hear should be the 'flamenco' scale.

You can now repeat for any other scales you want to change.

Be sure to save the setup as a new setup. The next time you load that setup, the scales you changed to will load in the scale slots.

Hope this helps.


written by: torsten_anders

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 13:27:11 +0100 BST

Dear Randy and Mark,

Thank you both for your helpful and quick feedback! My success rate at changing scales is now much higher, though still not 100 percent. Seems the remaining problems are user errors handling the software. Still a bit weird, usually I don't have so much problems using some software (as long as it is not a programming system, that is).


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