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Software: EigenD on windows 8

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written by: NothanUmber

It turned out that I am faster on Win8 even with the mouse on my convertible, wouldn't have thought that first. The "just start typing" to search feature is quite nice, overview of the Metro start page is better than the start bar+desktop icons. Win8 feels also more "fluid" overall - perhaps because of the stripped down effects, perhaps because of optimizations.
So (after making a - highly recommended - full backup) I decided to upgrade my main desktop machine yesterday. (This was the first time I actually upgraded a Windows installation, before I usually installed new from scratch).

Everything works flawlessly, have the same (very low) latency times I had on Win7 with my Babyface USB audio card and as written above things are even more "fluid" now than before, start time is reduced by half to a few seconds now - nice!
So I can say: EigenD works without problems on Win8, as well as all VST plugins I tested. In fact I couldn't find anything that doesn't work anymore.

written by: 0beron

Wed, 17 Oct 2012 10:51:49 +0100 BST

Has anyone been running eigenD on windows 8? With the coming release of intel based windows 8 tablets capable of running desktop windows it might bring about the possibility of eigenD running directly on a tablet?

written by: NothanUmber

Wed, 17 Oct 2012 12:18:15 +0100 BST

Tested with Win 8 64 - it works like with Win 7. (Only upgraded my old convertible tablet notebook (which is too slow for fancy VSTs), my main machine will stay on Win7 for the foreseeable future - don't see a benefit with Win8 there).
Also thinking about getting me an up to date Win8 tablet for EigenD+Stage - not immediately though, will give it some time.

written by: NothanUmber

Wed, 31 Oct 2012 09:32:52 +0000 GMT

It turned out that I am faster on Win8 even with the mouse on my convertible, wouldn't have thought that first. The "just start typing" to search feature is quite nice, overview of the Metro start page is better than the start bar+desktop icons. Win8 feels also more "fluid" overall - perhaps because of the stripped down effects, perhaps because of optimizations.
So (after making a - highly recommended - full backup) I decided to upgrade my main desktop machine yesterday. (This was the first time I actually upgraded a Windows installation, before I usually installed new from scratch).

Everything works flawlessly, have the same (very low) latency times I had on Win7 with my Babyface USB audio card and as written above things are even more "fluid" now than before, start time is reduced by half to a few seconds now - nice!
So I can say: EigenD works without problems on Win8, as well as all VST plugins I tested. In fact I couldn't find anything that doesn't work anymore.

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